Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why I don't Drink

Recently, I received this from a friend. I thought it fitting. I've had several people ask me why I don't drink. I've also had several people say that they thought it would be funny to see me drunk again. Needless to say, I no longer talk with the latter. To the former, I can't really come up with a better response than this:

"Why don't you drink anymore?", a renewed acuaintance from long ago asked the other day. "Any more than who?", I replied. "I mean drink anything these days?" "Drink? I DO drink! I drink coffee, milk, tea, soda, water...." I mean drink, you know, booze?"

Here are the reasons why: I drank for happiness, and became unhappy. I drank for joy, and became miserable. I drank to be outgoing, but became self-centered. I drank for sociability, but became argumentative and lonely...I drank for sophistication, and became crude and obnoxious. I drank for friendship, instead making enemies. I drank to soften sorrow, and wallowed in self-pity. I drank for sleep and awekened without rest. I drank for strength, but felt weak. I drank medicinally and got sick. I drank because I thought my job called for it, and lost my job. I drank for relaxation and got the shakes. I drank for confidence, and became insecure. I drank for courage, but became afraid. I drank for assurance and became doubtful. I drank to stimuate thought and blacked out. I drank to make conversation and tied my tongue. I drank for warmth and lost my cool; I drank for coolness, and lost my warmth....I drank to feel heavenly and came to know hell. I drank to forget, but became haunted. I drank for freedom and became a slave. I drank for power and became powerless. I drank to erase problems and saw them multiply. I drank to cope with life and invited death. I drank because I HAD THE RIGHT, but everything turned out WRONG. One is too many, a thousand's not enough. So, I've made a new rule for myself. I just don't drink while I'm sober.

I am happy with my life as it is, despite it's challenges. I wake up every day with a smile on my face. I look forward to the future without drinking or drugs. For the first time in a long time, I finally feel like I have A LOT to look forward to. Thanks Sarah for giving me this!